Our Mission
Our Mission
Toeroek Associates was founded in 1993 as a small business providing technical experts in national security and environmental services to the federal government. After more than thirty years in business, we have an established reputation for exceeding our client’s expectations in technical quality, project and program execution, timeliness and cost. Our mission is to maximize the return from our client’s investment by providing practical and effective solutions as we perform work of national significance. By attracting and retaining high quality, high value staff we deliver innovative customized services that meet or exceed our client’s technical and quality expectations.
Our Values
We value our small business culture and strive to maintain it in all of our work locations. We work to create a warm environment that nurtures and encourages employee growth and development. Within the constraints of our clients and contracts, we encourage flexibility and we minimize rigid systems that could stifle creativity. To the maximum extent possible, we encourage every Toeroek team member to cross-train, multi-task, fill many roles, and cultivate a can-do attitude to pitch in to complete any job in any way they can. We are committed to quality in all of our services and work products. Our client’s satisfaction is of paramount importance as we plan and execute our work activities. Our clients have confidence in us because we are ethical, reliable, dedicated, truthful, responsive, and accountable. Our team consists of well trained, high-quality and high-value staff members. Everyone on the Toeroek team makes a daily contribution to the company’s reputation, which has been built on the solid foundation of our values and successes.